It’s pretty late as I write this latest entry, but today I want to ask you what your dream is? I’m not talking about anything vague such as “to make more money online” or “live a better lifestyle”, I’m talking about your vision.
What is your vision? What does your PERFECT day look like?
Do you know? If so, great, you need to write it down and read it every day.
Because if you don’t, you won’t have that clarity in your mind or drive to keep pushing and make your dream become a reality.
I had mine on holiday when I was in Cyprus. I remember it so clearly even down to the fine detail including the people that were around me at the time and what they were wearing.
I was swimming, doing lengths, two at a time before taking a short rest and starting again. When I am in that mode I usually do 50-60 lengths just thinking about ‘stuff’. It’s very therapeutic especially when you’re on holiday.
It was a Friday morning and as I got to the end of the swimming pool, I stopped for a rest and thought to myself, “Most people are at work right now – how cool is this, just swimming up and down on a Friday morning”. A couple of early sunbathers had already claimed their spot around the pool.
As I used to work in an I.T. helpdesk I visualized a lot of people working in cubicle environments, shackled to their desks. It occurred to me that doing that all my life would be sheer madness, so what was the answer?
Well, the answer to me was to do something for myself. To create my own destiny and not leave it in the hands of an employer that will never make me rich. If you love your job it’s a bit different because at least you get SOMETHING rewarding from it, but I didn’t enjoy what I was doing anymore and the only aspect of the job I liked was the fact I was helping people. One person I worked with told me I was in the wrong profession and should have been a doctor instead because I cared too much about the people I spoke to.
Meanwhile, back at the pool I reflected on how great it would be to build a business that afforded me a lifestyle where I could take a holiday when I wanted to. A business that was capable of allowing me to go on holiday and come back better off financially than when I went away. A business that would give me the opportunity to help people but also provide me and my family with a lifestyle that was truly rewarding.
I would feel good about helping people and equally great that financially it would be a rewarding as well. For me it’s always been about having my own online business and I also decided that in order to live the ‘internet lifestyle’ it would have to be based around services or intangibles.
When I returned back from that holiday I was so pumped up I knew exactly what I wanted to do and my mind was crystal clear on what I needed to do in order to achieve it.
On my way back home I had to catch a train during rush hour when everybody was clamoring to get to work in the ‘rat race’. It has always looked like the ‘rat race’ to me and I have always seen the futility in it.
As I sat on the train, lots of people in suits and office attire boarded it. I was sitting on the train in a t-shirt still wearing flip-flops. I felt like a rebel… slightly different to those around me and do you know what?
I LIKED that feeling. I felt empowered – that I had an identity. The people around me on that train just felt and looked like clones. Now don’t get me wrong, I know they were all hard-working people trying to do the best for themselves and their loved ones, but I couldn’t help but feel they were all heavily on the treadmill of life rushing around to get nowhere very specific, very fast.
I emphasize that was just my perception as I sat there on the train. For all I knew one of them could have been a stock trader with a laptop banking a million dollars. Who knows – I suspect, however, that most of them weren’t.
What it all essentially boils down to is finding your major purpose in life. Don’t worry if you don’t know EXACTLY what that is right now as you read this, because you can tweak it along the way, but you need to know which direction to start sailing that ship in because if you start ‘off course’ you will never reach anything that resembles a destination.
Take some time out of your day to work out where it is you want to go, what your perfect day would look like. What is it you dream of doing? Write it down and then take MASSIVE ACTION to make that day become your reality in your life. The more specific you make it, the more you will crystallize that vision in your mind and it will become your driving force to overcome roadblocks that will inevitably occur on your journey.
Because your vision will be so strong, you won’t quit and if you don’t quit, you WILL succeed. Once you have decided what you want and you know it with all certainty, absolutely NOTHING can stop you!
#1) WRITE DOWN your PERFECT DAY. For example, what do you have for breakfast? Where do you go? What work do you do to facilitate your perfect day? Who do you meet for lunch? What music do you listen to? Where are you in the world? What do you do in the evening? The more highly detailed you make it, the more impact it will have in step #2.
#2) READ your perfect day, TWICE a day. Yes, that’s right! Once you have written down your perfect day, you need to read it every single day.
#3) Take MASSIVE ACTION only after you have written down your perfect day and crystallized your vision and goals.
If your perfect day involved running a successful online business that can generate $5000+ in the next 30-60 days and you’re willing to work at this, I invite you to join my team by CLICKING HERE.
Here’s to your PERFECT DAY. Rememember, your past is NOT your future!

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