Today I want to talk to you about something I think is not only very important, but potentially crucial when it comes to success in anything entrepreneurial.
The Fatal Mistake So Many Make
Have you ever spoken to someone who seems to have been doing the same thing, year in and year out with no real change in their results? They work really hard at what they are doing but never seem to gain any traction.
For some strange reason they think they can keep on doing the same thing and somehow miraculously get different results. Or, even more sadly, they have turned into an ostrich and taken to burying their heads in the sand instead.
I don’t know if you’ve ever heard the expression, “Keep on doing what you’ve always done and you’ll keep on getting what you’ve always got”?
So What Do You Do?
The first step is to recognize that there is either a fundamental flaw in your strategy or you need to start tweaking a few things to get a better return on investment. If you can’t do that, then you need to seriously reassess.
FOCUS on the activities that get you the best results and drop the rest because they are costing you time, energy and money.
It’s A Hard Days Night...
I know this guy who works incredibly hard but his business is strangulated by competition that are affecting his margins and it’s gone from being a business to becoming a borderline ‘just scraping by’ lifestyle choice (whilst still working VERY hard). The trouble with businesses like that is that you have to look to scale them up or you will get muscled in on and swallowed up by your competition.
Your Competition Will Eat You For Breakfast
It can be a dog-eat-dog world out there and your competition will not take any prisoners, so you have to be smart, agile and realistic about how your business in performing in the short, medium and long term.
Anyone who knows about bodybuilding will know Ronnie Coleman. One day I was watching a video of him working out and after a gruelling set he said, “Nobody is going to give you anything“… which is totally true. To achieve success you have to pay your dues and IF you want to be the best, you have to do whatever it takes (as long as it’s ethical). Period.
Swinging in a hammock sipping Pina Colada is something you can only do after you’ve put in a lot of hard work and if you aren’t prepared to do that, then you’re in the wrong business!
You know, sometimes it’s not only okay to change what you are doing but it’s a downright necessity. Sometimes things stop working as well as they used to and sometimes they stop working altogether. It’s at this point you need to be honest with yourself and recognize that the game has changed and so with it has your business.
The Story of the Deluded Marketer
For example there are internet marketers out there that used to make a fortune by writing articles at Ezinearticles and carefully choosing longtail keywords to rank for in the search engine. This worked fantastically well for quite a long time (years) until Google changed how it ranked articles at EZA. The net result? Those marketers traffic took a massive hit and so with it their incomes. Those that adapt will survive, but some people will literally just keep on doing what is not working because in their minds “It’s all they know”. It’s a terrible and sad mistake to witness as an observer.
So my lesson and tip of today is don’t be afraid to change and test new things when you aren’t getting the results you had hoped for in your online business.

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