Here’s a quick marketing tip for you that has literally added a ton of money to my bottom line and changed my life in the process. I used to travel a lot on the train (3 hours at a time) and to keep me occupied I would listen to music on an MP3 player.
I find I learn well with audio trainings/interviews and one day I decided to download an interview onto an mp3 player and listen to it next time I went traveling. After that I was completely hooked and sought out trainings and interviews, both from the greats and by top people in the industry. Here’s the thing, I learnt so much by doing this I started taking a journal with me to make notes in at the same time.
Even when I’m at home I often forgo using my Hi-Fi in favor of hooking an MP3 player up to a modest speaker called ‘Andy’ (as pictured) 🙂 One of my friends called me a ‘heathen’ for not being a true audiophile, but honestly who cares when you can listen to great content without having to walk over to your hi-fi. I don’t know, there is something cosy about it in my opinion.
Obviously I also have my favorite songs on there as well, so as I’ve been typing this I’ve been listening to Amy Winehouse, Congo Natty and Guns ‘N’ Roses. If ever you have had trouble learning by reading, definitely go after audio trainings and interviews to listen to. You can find mind-blowing content out there that you can download onto an mp3 player in a matter of seconds. That is my quick tip of the day.

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