It’s Sunday night and all is well… until tomorrow when the vast majority return to the rat race. Have you got a case of the Mondays coming on? If so, I have a solution for you…
There’s a serious message in there that I will leave you to figure out 😉 When I used to work into an office, do you know what I used to do? And this is the gods honest truth! I used to stick a piece of blu-tac over the clock on the bottom right hand corner of the monitor so I didn’t know what the time was.
I remember sitting there one day thinking, “IS this it? Really?”… as I looked around me everyone else seemed oblivious to the fact there was more to life. Was I the only one without a secretly implanted microchip in my brain. Was I the only one that thought like Peter Gibbons?
Thankfully there was ONE other person in that job that had the same outlook on life as me. That there was more to life than working in an office cubicle. As Scatman John once said, “I want to be a human BEING, not a human DOING!“.
The WORST was 3-4pm.. man that seemed like FOREVER! That hour… I used to give up on living.
At 5pm or thereabouts (usually a minute early) everyone would get ready to STAMPEDE for the exit. It was mass exodus at 5pm out of that place. I often used to wonder who would come into work the following Monday if they were given $50k in a brown paper bag with a note that said, “Come back if you love your job. Otherwise enjoy partying in the Bahamas” 🙂
Anyway, if you have got a case of the Mondays, don’t despair. Peter found a way out and you can too (the answer is closer than you may think *hint*).

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